Tonje Kvivik

Tonje Kvivik

Tonje Kvivik was raised in Kristiansand, Norway. When she finished high school, she lived in the French alps before moving to Canada where she has now lived for over 5 years! When she is not skiing, she is studying business with sustainability and leadership.
• Nominated for Discovery of the Year in 2020 for part in “Huck Yeah” by MSP
• Nominated for Female skier of the year in 2021 for part in “The Stomping Grounds” by MSP
• WSSF Intersection People’s Choice Award 2019 for “The Blondes” Highlight
• Featured in Katie Burrell’s critically acclaimed ‘Dream Job’
• MSP’s 2020 Film – Huck Yeah
• MSP’s 2021 Film – The Stomping Grounds
• MSP’s 2022 Film – Anywhere From Here

Tonje's Take

The importance of having a boot that is properly fitted that translates to your ski ability is crucial. The first time I came to Pulse I had crazy feet pain and bone spurs. That was four years ago. I have never had those pains, or the bone spurs come back after they fitted my boots properly and switched to their foam injected liners. I also have never had such a high-performance boot and I couldn’t be happier with the way it skis thanks to you guys. such a great shop with a great team!


Atomic Ti Boots, Atomic Hawx Ultra,
PULSE Custom Injection Liners, PULSE Custom Footbeds


Years with Pulse

6 seasons


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