What to expect during your custom fitting appoi...
Your first bootfitting appointment explained Not sure what to expect during your fitting? We’ve fine-tuned the bootfitting process through years of working with every level of skier, recognizing that no...
What to expect during your custom fitting appoi...
Your first bootfitting appointment explained Not sure what to expect during your fitting? We’ve fine-tuned the bootfitting process through years of working with every level of skier, recognizing that no...
Are your boots fitting right?
No pain, all gain. Ski boots play a critical role in the safety and enjoyment of your time on the slopes. They need to fit correctly in order to provide...
Are your boots fitting right?
No pain, all gain. Ski boots play a critical role in the safety and enjoyment of your time on the slopes. They need to fit correctly in order to provide...
How to properly buckle up your ski boots
Buckle up for the best fit, comfort and performance. There’s a right and a wrong way to get the most snug fit. And unlike skates or regular shoes where you...
How to properly buckle up your ski boots
Buckle up for the best fit, comfort and performance. There’s a right and a wrong way to get the most snug fit. And unlike skates or regular shoes where you...
Storing and caring for your boots
How a few simple steps prolong the life of your boots. Riders have a love/hate relationship with spring. On the one hand, it means above-freezing temperatures, fewer layers, and sunny...
Storing and caring for your boots
How a few simple steps prolong the life of your boots. Riders have a love/hate relationship with spring. On the one hand, it means above-freezing temperatures, fewer layers, and sunny...
Demystifying how ski boots work
Breaking down the nitty gritty on ski boot anatomy. We know, we know… bootfitting seems outright complicated. And it is. If you’ve ever wondered why they’re so awkward to walk...
Demystifying how ski boots work
Breaking down the nitty gritty on ski boot anatomy. We know, we know… bootfitting seems outright complicated. And it is. If you’ve ever wondered why they’re so awkward to walk...
We're hiring!
Paging all aspiring and experienced bootfitters. As our company continues to grow, we are looking for new team members for next winter across all three shop locations (Revelstoke, Banff and...
We're hiring!
Paging all aspiring and experienced bootfitters. As our company continues to grow, we are looking for new team members for next winter across all three shop locations (Revelstoke, Banff and...